What to expect when buying and selling property in COVID-19 Alert level 2

The good news for buyers and sellers is the market is back in full swing! However, the changing of alert levels and the introduction of new public health guidelines has left both buyers and sellers with questions as to how real estate works in level 2.
Here is a quick overview of what to expect:
In level 2 you can have your home appraised, attend open homes and public auctions subject to both agents and the public abiding by health requirements set out by the Real Estate Authority. These include the wearing of facemasks, physical distancing and contact tracing. Building inspectors, photographers and tradespeople can all enter the property in level 2 If the occupier has provided consent to do so.
In summary, alert level 2 buying and selling does not look too different from the experience we are used to. We wish you the very best of luck with your real estate journey, if you require any advice please don’t hesitate to call our team.
For information on conducting real estate at level 2 click here: https://bit.ly/3toeNru
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